Sunday Reflections|2

19 thoughts on “Sunday Reflections|2”

  1. Great job! I am inspired to get my butt in gear! lol and hey cleaning burns calories too. When I clean my bathroom I am sweating by the time I’m done lol. So exciting when your clothes start fitting better. Best motivation ever! 🙂

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  2. Meeting your weekly plans through Thursday is fantastically good! Sometimes I barely get past Monday. It is good to have spontaneous adventures in life! It keeps things interesting, right? I am impressed by your 2 workouts a day!!! Only missing 3 workouts for the month of January is also really impressive. We are all works in progress and like you said, some days and weeks are going to be better than others. Missing a day here or there is ok as long as we get back on track and you were so productive with your cleaning/dance party! I love to rock out to music when I’m cleaning, but sometimes I dance more than I clean. Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday! Xoxoxo.


      1. The dancing is a workout in itself! I understand feeling down. I get down too when I miss days and worry that I have gotten too far off track, but it’s not a good enough reason to stay down. You can do it! Xoxoxo.

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  3. Yeah I totally feel you on the solo dance party while cleaning house. Whatever makes it less dreadful, right? Next time just do some lunges on your way to the next room to clean lol

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  4. I went for a hike today, too! I know what you mean about feeling stronger and it’s such a great motivator. Sometimes I feel like my arm muscles are bursting out of my skin and I LOVE it! Haha!


  5. A rough week seems to be going around! I managed my cardio workouts, but the extras I like to throw in did not materialize this week. I’m hoping for a more sane schedule and consistent workouts this coming week! And hopefully you’ll have the same!

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  6. Good stuff! I had a cheat day Friday which as you said always just puts you in a funk as far as feeling on track. Then I had to work 13 hours today so couldn’t make it to the gym, but the week is young! Still plenty of time to kick butt. I’ve never been snowboarding, but it sounds like a blast.


    1. 13 hours is a pretty good reason to call it a day! There’s always time to kick butt, even if it’s a Friday! If you can make one thing happen in your life, let it be a snow sport (specifically snowboarding) It’s quite literally the best thing I’ve ever done in terms of “hobbies” 🙂

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      1. I know when I was younger I used to want to snowboard but never got around to it, then kind of forgot all about it. I will have to give it a try sometime.
        Also Friday our team meeting is at 7:30 central time. Not sure if I said what time, in my previous comment.


  7. Congrats on all your non-scale victories! Those are so important. I’ve shaved an inch off my waistline, even though the scale hasn’t budged. The cold weather has been making me feel a little sluggish, but I like doing my workouts because they warm me up. Found you through the Dream Big Meet & Greet, and your blog is right up alley. I will definitely be following you closely 🙂


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